We believe software should be beautiful,
inside and out

Our beginnings
Curbsy was born on the Isle of Man in 2017, initially as one person’s project to shake up an old industry with new technology and greater levels of personalisation and curation. Over time, the dream drew in others, and the company’s first product launched in Malta in 2020.
With the product stable and in the good hands of a newly-assembled Malta team, we turned our brains to other projects. Ever since, we have been providing custom software development and ad hoc team augmentation to other businesses, both local and abroad.
In our work, we focus on clean design and clean code. New software should improve the user experience and websites should work intuitively, with classic design that works equally well on all devices.
When building back-end and other hidden systems, we believe that the best technology is invisible to the user - it just works. Any change, in software or process, should improve the user experience.
Our values
We are building a company that makes a positive difference in our communities, and the start of such a movement must begin at home. The following are the three values that guide our processes, culture and decision-making.
To us, integrity means trust, respect, honesty and transparency. All staff receive profit share instead of bonuses or commission, and everyone is encouraged to communicate early, often and clearly.
Then we have love. We pledge to donate a third of our profits to good causes after three years of profitability, and all staff get one additional day off each month to volunteer.
When you are trying new things, curiosity is essential. We never assume there is an absolute truth and instead let data guide us towards the best possible solution to each problem.