A quick, beautiful, effective one-page site that sold a house
- Solutions A one-page website to advertise and manage bookings for a house sale
- Technologies Squarespace, great photography
- Country Isle of Man
- Visit this website
A house was going on the market in Douglas on the Isle of Man. The owners wanted to be part of the process, which they were determined wouldn’t treat their much-loved house as a commodity. The website was intended to accept and manage bookings, in addition to showcasing the house and its story.
Project Duration
1 week
1 junior developer
1 photographer
Project Description
The brief from the house owners was simple: a beautiful, mobile-friendly website that acted as a frame for professional photos, video and text. The website should also accept bookings.
As the website was intended to be temporary, we opted to use a content management system (CMS) to build it out quickly. In our experience Squarespace is the best CMS to showcase photography. Although Squarespace is more expensive that some CMSs, it is easy to work with and has excellent templates.
We found a template we felt suited this project and, after sign-off from the owners on it, began inserting the text and photographs. We worked closely with the owners on the text, which was intended to feel personal and convey the love and happiness they found living in this house.
The photographs and video are courtesy of Glenn Whorrall at Your Movie Crew.
The owners advertised in a Facebook group and the booking system on the website started scheduling viewings. Within two days, all the available viewings for two weeks were filled. Offers began coming in alongside the viewings, and the owners ultimately had to decide between two competing bids. Three weeks after the website went live, an offer was accepted and the work passed to the lawyers to complete.
Although the website was considered temporary, the owners agreed we could keep it up for the purpose of this case study, as a demonstration of what magic can happen very quickly with the right tools and care.